Dr. Jitendra Shukla


Conquer the Dizziness, Reclaim Your Balance

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or dizziness that can make you feel like either you or your surroundings are moving. It is often caused by an issue in the inner ear or the brain’s balance system, and it can result from various conditions such as BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), Meniere’s disease, labyrinthitis, or vestibular neuritis. While it can be mild in some cases, vertigo can severely impact daily life and lead to falls, nausea, and anxiety.

Causes of Vertigo

BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo): Displacement of small crystals in the inner ear, triggering dizziness with head movements.

Meniere’s Disease: Inner ear disorder causing vertigo, hearing loss, and ringing in the ears.

Vestibular Neuritis or Labyrinthitis: Viral infections causing inflammation in the inner ear or connecting nerves.

Migraines: Vertigo often accompanies severe headaches.

Head or Neck Injury: Trauma disrupting the balance centers in the inner ear or brain.

Dehydration or Low Blood Pressure: These conditions can cause dizziness, especially upon standing quickly.


Symptoms of Vertigo

Spinning Sensation: Feeling of spinning or whirling, even when stationary.

Loss of Balance: Difficulty walking or maintaining balance.

Nausea or Vomiting: Dizziness often accompanied by nausea or vomiting.

Tinnitus or Hearing Loss: Ringing in the ears or partial hearing loss.

Headache or Visual Disturbances: Head pain or issues with vision linked to vertigo.

Homeopathic Treatment for Vertigo

Homeopathy offers a safe and natural treatment for vertigo by addressing the underlying causes, improving inner ear function, and supporting the body’s balance mechanisms. Homeopathic remedies are tailored to each individual, focusing on restoring balance to both the body and mind.

Benefits of Homeopathic Treatment for Vertigo

Targeted Treatment: Addresses underlying causes like inner ear problems or blood pressure.

Restores Balance: Improves coordination and reduces vertigo episodes.

Safe and Non-toxic: Free from harmful side effects, safe for use with other treatments.

Holistic Approach: Considers both physical and emotional contributors to imbalance.

Long-term Relief: Provides immediate relief and prevents future episodes by tackling the root cause.


Dr. Jitendra Shukla

MD (Homeopathy Neuro-Psychiatric Specialist)

Specialist with 20+ years of experience in treating Writer’s Cramp, Parkinson’s and Dystonia with safe homeopathic solutions.

Contact us for advice and consultation

Timings- 10 AM to 7 PM

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