Dr. Jitendra Shukla


When seizures strike, take back control.

What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. These seizures can vary in type and severity, affecting an individual's ability to live a normal life. Epileptic seizures may cause convulsions, loss of consciousness, or strange sensations. Managing epilepsy involves a combination of lifestyle changes, medication, and treatment options like homeopathy that focus on controlling seizures and improving quality of life.

Causes of Epilepsy

  • Genetic Factors: Epilepsy can run in families, suggesting a genetic predisposition to the disorder.
  • Brain Injury or Trauma: Injuries to the brain, such as head trauma or stroke, can increase the risk of developing epilepsy.
  • Brain Tumors: Abnormal growths in the brain can lead to seizures and epilepsy.
  • Infections: Brain infections like meningitis or encephalitis can lead to seizure activity.
  • Developmental Disorders: Conditions like autism or neurodevelopmental disorders can increase the risk of epilepsy in children.
  • Metabolic or Chemical Imbalances: Imbalances in the brain’s neurotransmitters or chemicals can lead to seizure activity.

Types of Epilepsy

Generalized Seizures
Tonic-Clonic Seizures (Grand Mal): Involves loss of consciousness, followed by jerking movements and muscle stiffness.
Absence Seizures (Petit Mal): Brief episodes of staring or blanking out, often without noticeable convulsions.

Focal Seizures (Partial Seizures)
Focal Onset Aware Seizures: Seizures where the person remains conscious but experiences abnormal sensations or movements.
Focal Onset Impaired Awareness Seizures: The person may lose awareness during the seizure and may display unusual behaviors.

Other Types of Seizures
Myoclonic Seizures: Sudden, brief jerks or twitches of the arms or legs.
Atonic Seizures: Sudden loss of muscle strength, causing the individual to collapse or fall.

Symptoms of Epilepsy

  • Seizures: The hallmark symptom of epilepsy, ranging from mild episodes of staring to full-body convulsions.
  • Aura: A warning sign before a seizure, which may include sensations like tingling, unusual smells, or visual disturbances.
  • Post-Seizure Confusion: After a seizure, individuals may experience confusion, fatigue, or memory gaps.
  • Loss of Consciousness: During a seizure, the person may lose awareness or collapse.
  • Jerking or Stiffness: Involuntary muscle movements or stiffness in the body, arms, or legs during a seizure.

Homeopathic Treatment for Epilepsy

Homeopathy offers a safe, holistic approach to managing epilepsy by targeting both the symptoms and underlying causes of seizures.

Benefits of Homeopathic Treatment for Epilepsy

  • Personalized Treatment: Each individual with epilepsy receives a treatment plan that focuses on their specific symptoms, triggers, and lifestyle, ensuring the most effective remedy.
  • No Side Effects: Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances, providing a gentle approach without the harmful side effects of conventional medications.
  • Long-Term Seizure Control: Homeopathy works gradually to restore balance in the brain, reducing seizure frequency and improving overall brain function and health.
  • Mental and Emotional Health: Homeopathic treatments address the emotional and mental challenges that often accompany epilepsy, such as anxiety, stress, and depression, helping to restore overall well-being.

Dr. Jitendra Shukla

MD (Homeopathy Neuro-Psychiatric Specialist)

Specialist with 20+ years of experience in treating Writer’s Cramp, Parkinson’s and Dystonia with safe homeopathic solutions.

Contact us for advice and consultation

Timings- 10 AM to 7 PM

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